Cleansing is an important practice to ensure health, vitality & productivity. Cleansing can be performed on a person, home or business.
It is important because we & our environments, collect negative energy due to encounters with negative people, arguments, negative thoughts & stress. Cleansing is especially important when moving into a new home as the energy in the home is from the previous occupants & will continue to affect the new occupants. Just as you like to fill your home with your own contents, I'm sure you'd like to fill your home with your OWN energy.
A thorough cleansing will clean away old, negative or stagnant energy. Whether a person or a place is being cleansed, once the old energy is cleared it allows energy to flow positively & freely, lifting energy & brightening the "attitude".
Apart from moving into a new home you should cleanse your home after any sad events, or negative events, such as arguments.
Some appropriate times to cleanse your home or business are:
Moving into a new home
After de-cluttering
After divorce or break-up
Following death or illness
During depression
When installing a 2nd hand item
When preparing for a new project
Whenever the energy is stagnant
After exams or any stressful event
Times to cleanse your business:
Prior to opening day
After renovations or rearranging
After break-in
After staff illness or seasonal illness'
Prior to important events or sales
Any time the energy is stagnant
When to cleanse yourself:
When you have been or are stressed
Changing jobs
Divorce or relationship break down
Prior to & after exams
Before marriage
Regularly when on a spiritual discovery journey
During depression
When overwhelmed or low in energy
Before I come to cleanse your home or business, it is important to physically clean, this helps to move stagnant energy & shows your intent to shift the stagnant or negative energy.
I can also help with appropriate crystals for your home situation or for your business.
Home Cleansings are $50
Business Cleansings start from $50 (dependant on size & energy)
Personal Cleansings $25
Use the email form below to book or enquire.